Linkage Parameter Issue

9 個の投稿 / 0 new
#1 2019/6/3 (月) 19:33

Linkage Parameter Issue

While running PHP SDK through Wamp Getting invalid linkage parameter issue.

2019/6/7 (金) 16:05

Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

Check your setting according to the following items
- Client id & Client secret's value are correct
- SDK’s version is up-to-date
- Login account has the access to main function
- Login account has the access to application
- Callback url has set correctly

When you are troubled accessing application, please contact application operating company.
Sincerely yours,

2019/6/10 (月) 15:30

Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

Is the Callback URL and REdirect URI are the same? If the callback URL is different the where can I set the callback URL?

2019/6/11 (火) 15:46

Re:Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

Yes, they have the same meaning.

2019/6/11 (火) 15:58

Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

I have mentioned the store URL as Redirect URI. Or what can be the REdirect URI? And what will I mention as the app URL?

2019/6/11 (火) 16:07

Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

I am using the Shopify auto linkage application to connect the Shopify inventory with next-engine, After filling the details it's generating a store token, what is the use of that token.

2019/6/19 (水) 19:19

Re:Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

>I am using the Shopify auto linkage application
if you are talking about this application ( ), I'm afraid i won't be able to support you.
again, please contact application operating company.

2019/6/20 (木) 13:56

Re:Re:Re:Linkage Parameter Issue

Thank you for the support
Is there any mail ID to contact the application operating company?

2019/6/21 (金) 15:59

I’m happy to help

I’m happy to help
See the link below for the contact info

Sincerely yours,